Emergency Dental Treatment
What is a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency can occur at virtually any time, regardless of how well you take care of your smile. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for many of these emergencies to leave a patient in severe pain and discomfort. For this reason, you'll want to consider coming in for treatment as soon as you notice there's a problem. We offer treatment in a relaxed, highly comfortable setting for patients of all ages.
Why do you need treatment for a Dental Emergency?
A dental emergency can get worse in a short period of time without proper treatment. Something that would be considered more minor can escalate to where it is a real issue. In some cases, infections may occur and need treatment alongside the actual emergency that you're dealing with at the moment. This is why we recommend quick, adequate treatment as soon as possible.
What are some of the more common Dental Emergencies?
We see a number of different dental emergencies on any given day. For this reason, we recommend coming in to be seen whenever you notice something is wrong. Some of the more common emergencies include,
• Severe toothache and pain
• Abscessing and infections
• Broken or cracked teeth
• Lost fillings, crowns or bridge work
• Broken or lost appliances (dentures, night guards)